On 24th January 2017 our class, despite a terrible frost, oktáva B met at the train station set on the trip to the Prague´s Museum of Communism.

Just after the arrival, we were welcomed by red walls and some heroic statues of communist statesmen. In the pictures on information boards, we could read about the beginning of communist era in our country and as well as about the principles of this political movement.
Our attention was attracted mainly by topical periodical exhibitions: such as “Cosmic Program”, “Workplace”, “School Class” and “Dairy”.
Another very interesting information was the one about common, ordinary life of common people – lack of stuff for everyday life, ever-present communist slogans, teenage magazines or famous athletes´ careers.

A great deal and room of the exhibition is given to an interrogation room whose atmosphere is extremely uneasy, unpleasant and u uncomfortable.

At the end, we could watch some authentic videos which even better illustrated the atmosphere and our imagination about this era.

After a short free time and a snack in the centre of Prague we hit the train direction Plzeň.

Andrea Nádvorníková, oktáva B (volně přeloženo)