On Wednesday, 4th May, our class 2. B and other classes 2.A, sexta A and sexta B took part in an excursion to Munich.
We left Pilsen at 6 o´clock. We travelled by a double decker bus, so the view was beautiful.

At first we went to a museum called "Deutsches Museum" which is connected to science. We saw a lot of interesting things from history and also from present there. We also learnt something new. What we learnt? We could visit a department of astronomy, chemistry and etc. And we could see some old ships, planes and steam engines. We also saw a lightning show.

After the end of the visit we went to the centre of the city. There were beautiful monuments. We visited the square "Marienplatz" with a new town hall.

Then we split into two groups. The first group went to Allianz Arena. The second and bigger group went to visit the museum of BMW. There we could see a lot of fantastic cars and a lot more.

After the visit we went back to Pilsen.

The excursion was really great and we enjoyed it.

Nikola Švarcová, 2. B